Form an Interline Club

An Interline Club is a volunteer organisation of airline employees. They are non-profit corporations/associations for the purpose of promoting goodwill, better understanding and knowledge among airline personnel; to learn from others how to give better service to the public and to promote the air transport industry.

There is no subject in the world of interlining that is more sensitive than that of the relationship between an Interline Club and the airlines and sponsors that make it possible. Due to local rules and customs there cannot be a "golden rule book". Following are certain guidelines that describe proper club operations.  It is hoped these will be of help to you in the formation of an Interline Club.

If there are two interliners in a city willing to get together once in a while, this is sufficient basis for an Interline Club. They should first enlist a few more colleagues and call this group the "Committee for the Foundation of .............. Interline Club".

  1. Survey airline people in the city and airport for interest in an Interline Club.
  2. If 50 or more persons are interested a rough copy of a Constitution and By-laws should be developed.   These documents will show the purposes and objectives by which the organization is established.  They should be developed in accordance with local laws using professional guidance (sample guidelines are available from WACA).
  3. Founding members and all interested airline employees will attend a General Meeting to approve the text of the Constitution and By-laws.  At the same time the General Meeting should elect the Club's first Executive Committee. It is suggested that the Executive Committee be comprised of:
    • President
    • Vice President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Various Committee Chairpersons as deemed necessary for the Club's needs. Examples: Membership, Newsletter Editor and Social Events.
  4. Establish membership dues or fees according to projected needs of the Club (average Club dues are USD 15.00-30.00).
  5. Formulate a newsletter to communicate with members and prospective members.  Airlines prominently spotlighted will enhance sponsorship. Exchange of newsletters with other Interline Clubs will open the door to worldwide interlining.
  6. Plan social/sport events for purposes of future revenues, publicity and members' enjoyment. Local airline sponsorship should be solicited to ensure success.
  7. Interline Clubs participate in local and international community charitable and social welfare projects.   They also provide economic and educational programs for the benefit of the industry.  Some good examples are the ongoing programmes, "Everybody is a Salesperson" and "Increasing Airline Productivity".

After six (6) to twelve (12) months of successful operation an Interline Club should consider application to the World Airlines Clubs Association (WACA). Prior to this time your Club is most welcome as observers at the various WACA Regional Meetings and the Annual General Assembly.   WACA believes sincerely in the value of learning as much as possible about what makes our industry such a challenge to individuals.  Words do not do justice to learning, enjoying life and making a contribution by participating in interline.
